Brian Gladstone with Beverly Kreller and Harpin’ Norm at the Celebration of Pete Otis’ Life
Thank you, thank you, thank you! To everyone who performed, participated, supported, attended, laughed, cried, danced, crewed, rehearsed, and otherwise contributed to The Songs of Pete Otis on Sunday…thank you! I think that was a really fitting tribute to our dear friend. What a remarkable video by Pete’s son Paul Panayotou. Thank you Theresa Panayotou and Vanesa and other members of your family. I don’t want to miss anyone here, but all of you helped make the day something to remember. Sebastian Agnello, Michael Bär,Arlo Burgon, Boris Buhot, Fernando Curcione, Darwin Bruce, Nicole Dunn, Debbie Fleming, Brian Gladstone, Glen Hornblast, Gary Webb, Harpin Norm Lucien,Pat Patrick Little Steve Raiken, Linda Goldman, Peter Verity, HOTCHA! Beverly Kreller, Howard Druckman and the incredible George Olliver. Music direction extraordinare by Hap Roderman with our dynamite band Rob Kirkpatrick, David Morrison and Ed Michael Roth. Audio by Unity Gain Kevin Gould, Jen Arima, recording for future broadcast production on Radio Humber by Everett Barilla; and Ratch on doors, Linda Spiegel on merch. Thanks to Cam and his friendly staff at Jasper Dandy. I think Pete Otis loved it. Peace.