Singer, Songwriter, Performer, Producer, Activist, Festival Director

Brian Gladstone

Brian Gladstone is a world-class fingerstyle
guitar player, an innovative song writer
unrestricted by conventional boundaries,
an eloquent story teller and a dynamic performer.

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Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

A Song For Everyone

Here is a song for the homeless A cold night on the street Wet and alone A thousand miles from home A good man in defeat Here is a song for the kindness A stranger who gives a damn Here is a song To...

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Jamie Lynn

  I can see through her smoked screened body Cause the sight lines change with the seasons Her perimeter protection Helps the emotional deflection The silver fox has lost his fear He comes too...

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Wally’s Pre-Owned Automobiles

Wally's pre owned automobiles You come back for the deals Buy a green sedan on the instalment plan Don't forget to count all the wheels   This one's a real beauty With a coat of...

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