Singer, Songwriter, Performer, Producer, Activist, Festival Director

Brian Gladstone

Brian Gladstone is a world-class fingerstyle
guitar player, an innovative song writer
unrestricted by conventional boundaries,
an eloquent story teller and a dynamic performer.

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Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone Interview, from James McGee

Brian Gladstone Interview, from James McGee

Brian Gladstone Interview, V1 Had a chance last week (on a snowy afternoon no less) to sit down with Brian Gladstone and discuss the upcoming Winterfolk Festival. Now in its 12th year the festival...

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A good night for Roots at Danforth & Broadview

A good night for Roots at Danforth & Broadview

If you’re a fan of Roots music or a performer of that persuasion (and really, what isn’t “Roots” music or at least related to/derived from it, when you think of it?) then you want to get yourself to Danforth Ave. just east of the corner of Broadview Ave. on Monday, Sept. 16.

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Honouring Brian Gladstone

Honouring Brian Gladstone

Honouring Our Own : Brian Gladstone at the Trane Studio performing "A Song for Everyone" with fellow musicians: Mr. Rick, Tony Quarrington , Sue and Dwight.

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Trane Studio Performance

Trane Studio Performance

Don Valley Parkway Blues, I like Me, Who Killed Betty Two Shoes Accompanined by Bonnie Gladstone (sister) and Harpin Norm  

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