Singer, Songwriter, Performer, Producer, Activist, Festival Director

Brian Gladstone

Brian Gladstone is a world-class fingerstyle
guitar player, an innovative song writer
unrestricted by conventional boundaries,
an eloquent story teller and a dynamic performer.

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Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

April 5 at the Swan

April 5 at the Swan

Certainly another stellar afternoon of music at the Black Swan! Players included Roger Zuraw, David McLaughlan, Jerry Rush, Cindy Dell and Sue Leonard, Jo-Anne Park, Mark Denington, Peter Malloy,...

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Our Best Saturday So Far

Our Best Saturday So Far

What a great day of music and community at the Swan last Saturday March 21. Performers inlucded Roger Zuraw, Gary Larocca, Rent Party, Mark Denington, Bela Ray, Dan McLean Jr, Bill Isen,...

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