Singer, Songwriter, Performer, Producer, Activist, Festival Director

Brian Gladstone

Brian Gladstone is a world-class fingerstyle
guitar player, an innovative song writer
unrestricted by conventional boundaries,
an eloquent story teller and a dynamic performer.

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Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

Brian Gladstone in Concert

A Lesser Known Consequence of 9/11

A Lesser Known Consequence of 9/11

It was 14 years ago this week that we recorded the final tracks on my 'Psychedelic Pholk Psongs' album. Then of course comes the mixing, mastering, artwork, production, packaging, pre-promotion,...

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Flying Fingers Returns to the Swan, July 18

Flying Fingers Returns to the Swan, July 18

THE RETURN OF FLYING FINGERS July 18 - and now we have reinforcements! Just confirmed that the FF duo of Tony Quarrington and myself will be returning to The Black Swan tavern on July 18 for an...

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Last Dr. B’s Today Before Summer Break

Last Dr. B’s Today Before Summer Break

A reminder - TODAY IS Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show SEASON FINALE till we resume in September. All the fun starts at 2:00 today at Free Times Cafe . Hope you see all you famous and emerging artists...

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Where’s Brian These Days? October 2014

Where’s Brian These Days? October 2014

Monday, October 13, 2014 Unsubscribe | Printable Version | Send this to a friend In this issue: • Greetings and Happy Autumn • 6 Showcases at Folk Music Ontario Conference Oct 17,18 • Donations...

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On my way to the Freetimes Cafe

On my way to the Freetimes Cafe

Going to see Glen Hornblast's Nashville Bound Songwriters showcase.  Many of the artists will be joining us in Nashville in late October for some shows there.

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