Nashville Bound Salutes the Winterfolk Festival. Nov 30th, Freetimes Cafe

Nashville Bound Salutes the Winterfolk Festival. Nov 30th, Freetimes Cafe

This is Great! Nashville Bound Salutes Winterfolk & A Better World ! Glen Hornblast’s monthly series – ‘Nashville Bound’ Free Times Cafe – will feature artists playing at the upcoming Winterfolk Festival. On Sunday November 30th, the artists include Tony Quarrington , Noah Zacharin , Laura Fernandez , Brian Gladstone (me), Mr. Rick Zolkower , of course Glen Hornblast , and likely a few surprises. Thank you for doing this Glen. More info will be posted soon. See you there!

Circle with 3 Corners Will Provide Great Strumming Tonight
See you at Dr. B's On Nov 15th
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