black-swanThe 'But …..' is below …

Once again there was certainly no shortage of talent and the Black Swan for 'Saturday Sessions' yesterday. Players included Jo-Anne Park, Terry Hart, Mark Dennington, James Sloan, Sany Greenberg with Thomas Cormier, Bela Ray, Michael Cuddy and Sarah Ives, and of course Axe & Pat who are now calling their duet 'Emotional Roller Coaster'.

There was 8 sign-up entries comprising totaling 11 artists in all, and a total of 15 people throughout the afternoon. As David McLaughlan commented 'sometimes life gets in the way of art', which is always so true. For me, and most you I'm sure it's about the music, the art-form, the roots community, and most of all just hangin' out with friends. There is never a down side when artists get together.

But – Unfortunately with all of the above stated, it's all driven by the revenues. The club only did $54.00 in sales during the afternoon, of which half came from one table. That doesn't cover their cost for Kevin the sound guy, nor Shelley the bar lady. The Swan understands the process and time for 'growing and event', and they have been working with me. However I was at a loss to explain yesterday's low sales, and I'm won't be surprised if they want make some changes.

Any clever suggestions from anyone?

I'm going to offer them a few suggestions this week about how to improve things, but ultimately Saturday afternoons have to show a profit.

Dr B's Acoustic Medicine Show
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