Hey there Folks: I’m having a Birthday Bash Benefit Concert for the WYCHWOOD OPEN DOOR on Saturday Jan. 5th from 4:00 to 7:00 pm at the TRANZAC TIKI ROOM – it’s just a little get-together with my friends and tying it in to a good cause, namely helping my local Soup Kitchen which is sort of what Wychwood Open Door is – which I try to have a benefit for once a year – a place where homeless and poor people can go for a decent meal and warm embrace; I’m providing a House Band and a HOUSE GUITAR – so you don’t have to bring yours!

I’ve already asked a few friends – and so far I have a House Band of Lawrie Ingles on keys, Al Sobes on bass, Bob Cohen, Kevin Bell (maybe) on guitar, maybe Sam Sundersingh – and GUEST MUSICIANS: Aidan DevineHarpin Norm Lucien,Brian GladstoneAlan McKinlaySam Sundar-Singh,Jay PennellDavid StoreyMark Yan – and many more – if I asked you and I forgot, please remind me – We’ll try to get as many people up as possible. Thanks and hope to see you there – last year we raised $400 for them – I hope we can match that this year! Cheers, all – NOTE: the Tiki Room is small but we’ll try to manage 

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