Take a well needed break from the holiday hype, motorways gridlock, binge shopping, lineups, coupodrbsn clipping, wet feet, cold hands, frozen noses, cursing and making rude hand gestures to your fellow drivers; and especially avoid hand to hand combat with little old ladies in the mall.

Tomorrow, December 2oth 2014, has been declared a day of serenity at the Freetimes  Cafe, free from the agony of the pre holiday season. All we sell is food and drinks – and the best part of the day is not available at any price!

We bring you the gifts of music and comradely with your fellow artists! One again  this week we invite you to Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show, Thanks to Glen Hornblast, our sound man for tomorrow.

About Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show

  • Join us for an intimate afternoon of great acoustic music, every Saturday.
  • We want to create a place for artists, friends, and fans to hang out.
  • Players Wanted Sign Up starts at 2:00
  • Come Out to Hear The Great Music
  • Come out to Meet Your Friends
  • Come Out to Play Some Tunes

The Room: It’s an intimate listening room filled with creative energy to enjoy some great music, and a place for artists to come out to meet their friends. The food is excellent!
Who Can Sign Up to Play: All artists welcomed. Come in and put your name on the sign-up sheet to reserve your spot.
What: Saturday Sessions at the Swan is an artist’s stage, open to all.

When: Every Saturday at 2:00.
Where: Freetimes Cafe, 320 College St. Toronto.



Dr. B's Acoustic Medicine Show Taking a Holiday Break
Another Exciting Episode of Dr. B's Acoustic Medicine Show
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