Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show season finale at Free Times Cafetoday totally rocked with talent today. It was gratifying and therapeutic to see so many of my friends today. Players included Roger Zuraw, Bonnie Gladstone, Martin Gladstone, Steve Raiken, Glen Hornblast, Maggie & Mr Rogers, Nadia Buckmire, Chris Birkett, Linda Saslove, Aidan Devine, Joshua Walker, Wayne Neon, Victoria Lidia Ilgacs, Dorothy O. Laxton, David Storey, Henry Nozuka. Spotted in the bleachers Linda Spiegel, Arlo Burgon, the Sisters of Mercy, and many more music crazed fans. Thanks all for making today special! Dr. B’s Acoustic Medicine Show will resume in the fall – date TBA. Have a great rest of the summer everyone.