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Link to Back to the Sugar Camp Web-Site  July 2001 – Following is a small exert from the Sugar Camp Journal … to get the full story Go Back to the Sugar Camp

…. Well I may as well tell you that there was no train tonight. Not the 18:55 at least. Instead we got into our cars and drove back to the city on rubber tires, down the Don Valley Parkway which Brian Gladstone does from time to time, singing his acoustic resonator blues in an analogous alchemy of all acoustic audiosincrazy heads like Peewee Herman or Frank Sinatra or Pierre Elliot Trudeau or Doris Day (amongst other crazy heads in his collection). Back To The Dirt is the way we all feel when we arrive in the city from the sugar camp. But it's nice to hear someone singing about the parkway again. I think James Gordon did it a while back….


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