Brian Gladstone at Saturday Sessions

What a great day of music and community at the Swan last Saturday March 21. Performers inlucded Roger Zuraw, Gary Larocca, Rent Party, Mark Denington, Bela Ray, Dan McLean Jr, Bill Isen, Dougie, Laryy Sulky, Glen Hornblast, Pat Orton, Axe Renfrew, James Sloan, Pete Otis, Harpin Norm Lucien the harmonica guru, and a few more! In addition to great players, we had quite a few listeners as well – and they were treated to a great afternoon of music. 

It was a good listening audience, quiet and attentive throughout most of the afternoon – which is the best indication they were enjoying the music – and rarely was it necessary for me to go into my infamous 'shhhhhh' mode. 

Thanks to all for attending. It was certainly a community event, and if we all continue to work together we can ensure the lonvevity and succes of 'Satruday Sessions at the Swan' The good thing is that we do it all again next week, on March 29. See ya then!



Tony Quarrington will be joining us March 29 Saturday Session
Looking forward to another Saturday Session at the Swan
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